In the charming town of Newberry, South Carolina, there’s a remarkable 7-year-old named Jace Palmer who is making waves in the world of high intelligence. Jace recently became the newest member of Mensa, an international society for individuals with exceptionally high IQs. With more than 150,000 members globally, this prestigious organization is celebrating Jace as one of its youngest members, and he’s already making quite the impression.
Currently, Jace is a student at Boundary Street Elementary School. His teacher has always recognized his brilliance, calling him a “brilliant kid” who demonstrates extraordinary abilities across a wide range of subjects. Jace enjoys learning about everything from short circuit boards and geography to botany. In fact, his teacher playfully mentioned that sometimes, it feels like he could teach the class himself!
For his parents, Kristi and her husband, the journey hasn’t always been easy. They first noticed Jace’s fascination with learning early on and decided to have him tested. Kristi recalls feeling a mix of excitement and anxiety leading up to the test. “I was nervous getting him tested,” she shared. “It was supposed to take an hour and a half, and she called me after 40 minutes, so I thought ‘Uh-oh, that can’t be good.’” However, when they picked Jace up, the tester reassured them, saying, “No, your intuition is correct; he’s very, very intelligent.”
Jace’s boundless curiosity and intellect are awe-inspiring, but his mother is firmly committed to making sure he has a well-rounded childhood. Kristi emphasized that, while they are proud of his accomplishments, they aren’t rushing him through life. “We’re not here to try and grade-skip him or have him graduate when he’s 12. I want him to go to prom and have those life experiences because I want him to be a child.” This sentiment reflects the hopes of many parents of gifted children, wanting to ensure that their kids experience all the joys of growing up.
As for Jace’s dreams for the future, he has expressed a desire to become a doctor. He wants to help people stay healthy as well as take care of the earth. Currently, he seems particularly captivated by botany. Jace mentioned that his favorite plant is the aloe vera because of its numerous healing properties, showcasing his interest in the natural world.
Though Jace is thriving academically, his parents have pointed out that the state of South Carolina lacks many programs tailored specifically for exceptionally bright children. This absence can make it challenging for Jace to connect with peers who share his level of curiosity and intellectual engagement. Luckily for Jace, his supportive family and educational environment are doing their best to foster his growth.
As the family looks toward the future, they emphasize the importance of remaining in school and allowing Jace to continue to learn and grow. When asked where he wants to go after high school, Jace expressed interest in staying local and attending Newberry College. It’s heartwarming to see a child with such ambition who also values staying close to home.
In a community that celebrates education and growth, Jace Palmer stands out not just for his intelligence but for his curiosity and heart. His journey is just beginning, and with the backing of his family and teachers, this bright young mind is poised to make a difference in the world someday.
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