Newberry County Council Examines Grant Programs for Local Infrastructure and Community Projects

"Council discussing community projects"

Newberry County Council Reviews Funding for Community Projects

NEWBERRY COUNTY — The Newberry County Council met last week to discuss funding opportunities through two different grant programs that aim to improve local infrastructure and community resources. The meeting highlighted current and future projects that could benefit from these funds.

Community Development Block Grant Program

One key focus of the meeting was the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program. County Administrator Jeff Shacker explained that both the City of Newberry and Whitmire have utilized CDBG funding to improve their water and sewer systems and to enhance downtown areas. Shacker noted that there is an ongoing CDBG project in Whitmire that is close to finishing its design phase.

“There’s some acquisition of property for that sidewalk – that will come to you at the next meeting to sign off on the methods being used for that. That is to construct a sidewalk on Gary Street and Subertown Lane,” Shacker said, discussing the approval process for the upcoming project.

Newberry County can apply for up to two grants at a time. However, as Shacker pointed out, the funds have specific limitations in terms of where they can be utilized. “This is HUD money that is distributed to the state. In South Carolina, the Department of Commerce administers this funding program and, more specifically, what they’re administering is a more competitive grants program. As a non-entitlement community, we have to compete for these funds,” he explained.

The CDBG funds are designated for low and moderate-income (LMI) communities. According to Shacker, LMI is defined at the household level, meaning that a household’s income needs to be at or below 80% of the county’s median household income. He noted that earlier data showed Whitmire had struggles in meeting these income requirements, but recent evaluations show improvements, with a majority of their households now qualifying as LMI.

Shacker encouraged the Council to consider moving forward with a new application for the CDBG, with a deadline approaching in mid-August. If successful, funding requests would be submitted in September with a likely award announcement in December.

Future Project Plans

Looking ahead, Shacker outlined several potential projects, including enhancing connections through sidewalks and additional parking between Market Street and Glenn Street, possibly tying into the ongoing Gary Street sidewalk project. He also mentioned the possibility of renovating the Whitmire Community Center with funding, noting the need to estimate project costs and determine the required match for the grant.

Appalachian Region Commission Grants

Another funding opportunity discussed was through the Appalachian Region Commission, which aims to address poverty in the Appalachian region. Newberry County may have several options for projects under this commission, including building an amphitheater stage near Tench Street. Shacker suggested utilizing this space for seating and creating connections to nearby streets such as Caldwell and McKibben.

“Caldwell Street has not been addressed. We were hopeful that CDBG could potentially be used for that,” he stated. He also discussed plans for improvements, including fencing for controlled access to the amphitheater, wider sidewalks to accommodate more foot traffic, and enhanced landscaping with trees and decorative lighting.

Additional Council Business

During the meeting, Lorie Graham from the South Carolina Small Business Development Centers presented valuable information on the services available for small businesses in the area, including marketing support, web design, and business plans.

Additionally, the Council unanimously passed an ordinance establishing a Building, Fire, and Nuisance Codes Board of Appeals for Newberry County, as well as the first reading of an ordinance authorizing the sale of a property near the City of Newberry.

HERE Newberry
Author: HERE Newberry

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